Posted on Wednesday, April 14, 2010 by Shem Banbury

Doctors in Croatia are baffled by a coma patient who woke up fluent in another language.

Medics are scratching their heads over the 13-year-old who now speaks perfect German - but can't converse in Croatian.

The girl's parents, who hail from the southern town of Knin, say their daughter had only just started to learn German before she lapsed into the coma.

Her unconscious spell only lasted 24 hours but it has left her able to speak German to a far higher level than before her illness, reports the Daily Mail.

Her parents claim she had been trying to watch German television shows and read books in German but wasn't very proficient in the language.

She is still being cared for at Split's KB Hospital as she has apparently forgotten how to speak Croatian.

Doctors are still trying to discover what caused her coma, which may have been prompted by extremely high body temperature, and why it affected her language skills.

"You never know when recovering from such a trauma how the brain will react," says the hospital's director Dujomir Marasovic. "Obviously we have some theories although at the moment we are limited in what we can say because we have to respect the privacy of the patient."